Indeed, it's alive. Which means, for people who were Blogger users right from the start - and were using features on their Blogger accounts which prohibited them from migrating earlier (like me!) - that Blogger has solved whatever problems were there allows me to migrate to the new Google backend, with all its extra fanciness on the Dashboard and the ability to consolidate my login to my Google account.

The update process was pretty painless to be honest; check out these screengrabs I did as each step was completed:

Step 1: my old dashboard

Step 2: The screen showing which blogs Blogger is going to upgrade, and which it either won't or can't for the time being

Step 3: Log in to your original Blogger account again, just to confirm the changes

Step 4: Log in to your Google account (or create a new one, as it happens I already have two anyway)

Step 5: Blogger working away in the background, switching over my accounts

Step 6: All done!

Step 7: How my new Dashboard looks :)

And here's my new Dashboard page, in all its glory (yes, ALL of it, it's rather long)

So there, all done! And hardly a drop of blood shed. So to anybody who's stalling or still undecided, go do it! Even better, my old blog IDs have stayed the same, so the geeky side of me can still take pride in the fact that my main blog was only the 187,628th blog EVER on the Blogger system :)

(...Man, that's SO nerdy. Woot!)


Copyright 2006 onwards Christopher Woods. Some Rights Reserved.
ITU uses a (highly) modified version of the K2 theme by GeckoandFly,
originally Bloggerised by Blogcrowds. Credit where credit's due. :)

Into The Unknown is licenced under a Creative Commons License.
(Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales, Some Rights Reserved).

Creative Commons License