For some reason, my main blog has decided to go all wonky - but only after most of it has loaded (I call shenanigans!) It looks like part of what Blogger is loading *after* my site has loaded itself is breaking either the CSS or the HTML in some way; that or it's one of my many widgets. Unfortunately, this is happening in IE too - which most people still use, whether they have a choice or not is besides the point unfortunately. My (currently-dormant) sister LHC blog looks fine in IE, so that helps narrow things down somewhat. I'm going to have to pick my code apart and find out what's causing this bork, so for the meanwhile hold tight - and don't forget, the RSS feed still looks pleeeenty pretty. ;)



Copyright 2006 onwards Christopher Woods. Some Rights Reserved.
ITU uses a (highly) modified version of the K2 theme by GeckoandFly,
originally Bloggerised by Blogcrowds. Credit where credit's due. :)

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