The Guardian's one of the last few newspapers I'll actually buy (or read), and their online content is near enough outstanding in its breadth, depth and quality (BBC Online aside) - but sometimes their subsection editors' sensibility goes a little AWOL. (I can usually be found skipping the supplements whenever I'm reading the paper; main section - always read, supps - recycled.)

Whilst the whole 'let's do a liveblog about someone's great wild adventure' is still somewhat popular amongst media outlets as a way of engaging viewers and increasing that good old stickiness, here's a classic example of how NOT to do cross-media features: Guardian Unlimited: Travelog: Max, 19, hits the road, backlash commences almost immediately

So remember people, when you're next doing your feature blogs (as you do), don't employ one of your writers' sons as your average-sample-from-the-youth-demographic pseudocelebrity blogger!


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