... Apparently. From around the time of the latest (and last) iPlayer closed beta launch, which I reviewed and commented on, the client has been updated, the site's a bit slicker, and the content is encoded better. There's been a lot of talk, heated discussion (on the BBC Backstage mailing list, primarily!) and all kinds of indignant comments from people snorting about how the iPlayer launch was almost a dummy run, given that you could only really properly install and use it on one OS...
Yeah, I'm steering well clear of that, the BBC are having to work within the constraints of the rights holders here, and I get this continued feeling that they're breaking them in gently (today: 'how about digitising your content?'... 18 months later: 'we'd like to renegotiate the availability period for digitised content, up from 31 days after broadcast and 7 days after first viewing'... 36 months later: 'after becoming a requirement of our latest Public Value Test, we're removing DRM from our available programming content')... You get the picture.
Anyway, I don't have a copy of Vista installed (deliberately) to check, but others are reporting success installing and running the app without having to resort to glorious hacks to get it to work.
So, if you're game for a bit of timeslipped BBC content, go install it! http://bbc.co.uk/iplayer. (After I installed it almost four months ago, I never looked back. :)
My name's Christopher, and this site's my venue for discussion and highlighting of topics more relevant to my technical (and technological) interests.
It appears that you're interested in newfangled thingumajigs and technological bits 'n bobs (all with a healthy dose of cynicism thrown into the mix - for the best, of course).
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one!
Hopefully this blog and its content contained herein adds some value to somebody else's day... Maybe even yours. Thanks for stopping by. :)
Into The Twittersphere...
Going into the unknown? Bookmark these for the win
- Fellow Geek: Iain McDonald
- Fellow Geek: Sarah Carr
- Gadgets: Crave (UK)
- Gadgets: Crave (US)
- Gadgets: Engadget
- Gadgets: Engadget HD
- Gadgets: Pocket Lint
- Gadgets: Shiny Shiny
- Mobile Tech: Engadget Mobile
- Mobile Tech: JkOnTheRun
- NextWeb: Backstage, from the BBC
- NextWeb: Mashable.com
- Shiny Stuff: Clove Technology
- Shiny Stuff: DeviceWire
- Shiny Stuff: Dynamism
- Tech News: Akihabara News
- Tech News: Gizmodo (UK)
- Tech News: Gizmodo (US)
- Tech News: Techcrunch
- Tech News: The Inq
- Tech News: The Register
What else does Christopher do?
As well as this site, the most recent creation to crawl from my subconscious, I also spend my time writing on my personal blog (not always safe for work, it is very much my thoughts as they come out so beware!)
When I'm doing work proper, I'm a cross-media designer, systems analyst, solutions provider and general on-call geek for my company, based in the Birmingham area. As an aside, I also provide custom web hosting solutions for people who want a solution that's a little more personal (and cost-effective).
In the rest of my spare time, every so often I tap new entries into other sites of mine: The Uniblog, About Brum, this blog's companion Tumblog... Loads of sites!
Since moving to the fair city of Birmingham, I've increasingly found it a rich, detailed place to live, and eventually I decided to start blogging about it. Thus was born About Brum, and slowly but surely I'm chipping away at the latest development for it - podcasts highlighting one aspect of the city or the region in depth. Lots more work to do on those, but they should be great when they're finished.
Interaction is good!
Paying the bills...

LiveStation Technical Trial
BBC Multicast Trial
BBC Archive Trial
(now finished)
Projects now out of beta: